Sunday 4 December 2016

Fake Feminism

Greetings fellow homo sapiens ,let me go on with the usual crap,mandatory Hi hello vanakkam and namaste to all those mortal beings who've read my previous posts and survived through that ,A big shout out to you from this humble abusive random indian engineer.Well to all those who read through and hated it ,thank you guys you guys are the real mvp.We live in india ,we do step on shit once in a while and we learn to watch out in the future,well haters thank you for being the shit stain i've encountered and learnt to dodge.Aight so why the usual crap why not something new to start off with is what i've been asked , well this is how i write and i honestly appreciate the time guys ,we're slowly drifting into this fucked up era of social media called memes and its spreading like plague.So people who take the effort to read written content conveying personal opinions and views,well thats amazing ! 

Well 2016 was fucked up.Had a kill better streak than isis,A global superpower elected satan to lead them,demonetisation and so many other things.Among other things well there was a certain rise of feminists on a massive scale ,a number larger than those who tried to migrate to Canada.Women posting videos about freeing the nipple,body shaming,and numerous posts all of them thinking they're being all feminist and promoting the rights of women.The worst part is they're deluded in that illusion.Lets be honest here ,every person is being judged no matter what they do.What they do beyond that point of judgement is what matters most ,but where is that ?how the fuck is freeing your breasts out in public develop the welfare and the treatment of women across the globe?You women wanna free your nipples and expect guys to alter hormonal changes and refrain from being attracted to you or be it another person of the same sex.So why not reel back to the stone age and stop wearing clothes at all.

So moving on to body shaming ,so every woman ,be it an average woman to any model ,they expect them to be fit and earn being the bread winner,if we expect the same out of a woman we're named chauvinists.There are plus sized female models,are there any plus size male models?Why isn't there a fair chance for us to explain ourselves? We do respect women who are successful and optimistic which comes first and not looks ,we too are human beings who realise there's more to life than looks.There are men who do give importance to looks but on multiple surveys its women who top the list.We dont get matched that often on dating websites as much as women.We do love to talk and contemplate life at ungodly hours.We do respect women and expect the same in return.Like men aren't being body shamed?be it infatuation or love ,men face more rejection than women.Indian women talking about judgement of looks is the worst part ! you women are the superior racists compared to Donald trump ! and to all those who complain about abusive comments on their pictures ,its completely understandable that there are perverts everywhere.The male fraternity is completely chill when some girl comments hot bod,damn those abs ,such broad shoulders,perfectly sculpted chest , girls love booty too.If the same is done ,hats off to those who actually dont give a shit and move on ,you women are a blessing,meanwhile those who actually take time off their productive day at work to make a post or a video or anything to make a scene and call themselves feminists overnight.Those who disagree to whatever i've said have definitely done this at some point in their lives.If every man wanted to marry a woman who looks like a supermodel ,india wont be the second most populated country.Men have feelings as well.Men cry as well.They are being judged constantly by women everyday,based on his looks on a whole.Men face divorces because the sex isnt great and the guys genitals aren't satisfying.Are we ranting about all this shit on a daily basis?
I as a person have always believed that women are the stronger gender any day,the worst part is women have no idea what are their rights for real and think all this drama will promote their welfare.They wage war against facebook and other social media platforms because they arent able to post naked pictures of themselves.What they dont understand is that they use facebook abiding by their rules and its not the other way round.If there's a community guideline to be followed and you accept to do so what's the point in going against your own decision?which is like you wanting to change the rules set by the company you work in just because you personally feel it'll make a change in the company's development.How fucking stupid is that?

Here's another interesting thing ,slut shaming ,well if guys alone did that we're to be blamed,it is done by you women as well,how are we supposed to be blamed for that for god sake ! you women wanna fight for feminism ,fight for authority,feeling less secure and feel the need to strengthen rules,work hard to be in such a position and motivate the rest,wanna be successful,work hard and make the money,Work for those women in countries facing oppression,be the voice for those who cannot speak up for their problems,be more than what you are today ,if you are denied to any of this,remember that the person restricting you from going there is not the opposite sex but the inner consciousness,your mother is a female and your dad is a male ,so if they are restricting you from scaling heights would you separate your parents because you lack confidence and blame the opposite sex for your downfalls?

Please do not bring up the case of rapes here.I'm here to talk about those sudden overnight feminists who are ruining the whole beautiful concept of feminism proposed by Bharathiyar and many others in literature.

The failure to understand what equality is and the support these drama queens get from these meme creators such pages is astonishing.The level of stupidity is so damn high.The worst part being like i said this is spreading like a plague and people go with the flow due to the omnipresence of herd mentality.   

#freethenipple aint gonna save a woman wearing a hijab in the states.
#bodyshaming isnt gonna let a woman vote in Bhutan.
#slutshaming isnt gonna build a proper toilet for a woman from the rural parts of india
all this drama isnt gonna stop female infanticide. 

Now these are just the simplest of examples,Feminism is a beautiful and optimistic concept,and such women are ruining it day by day.
The world is an unfair place for everyone.If you believe Chauvinism was prevalent ,trust me there would be a video up every 10 seconds as every guy faces rejection because of his looks.
And Indian women bringing about such concepts along with long captions about i drink and smoke so what,no one's stopping you,if you're trying to educate people about the change of culture,firstly start off things at home and then you can move on to the rest of the population.If you're talking about privacy well everyone is entitled to their own opinion and quit blaming.If you see beyond the field of judgement and move on ,three cheers to you,if you're gonna keep blaming,god save you.

There are more men fighting for feminism and gender equality than women.

There are numerous crimes against men but we fail to bring it up,men face most false charges,men pay alimony,paralysed law that wont help,false dowry and rape cases.It's time women fought for the real thing out there with all they got and leave all this crap.The real feminists working towards the real cause, i bow down to you guys. !

Okay so im gonna face numerous accusations for what i said up there ,well someone had to say it and here I am.Bring it on guys looking forward to a shit storm.This isn't the best of what i've written but i thought this needed addressing.Once again Thank you all for spending time to read this.So yes conclusion,
Im neither a feminist nor a chauvinist,just another random indian engineer for equality.


  1. On point!.. Well said.. Exactly.. My thoughts on fake feminism..
    What we need now isn't feminism but practicality and Humanism!

  2. Very well said! I personally feel that if any girl wants to be treated equal to a guy, have equal respect, then she will have to put her heart into work, that way she will get bot only equal respect but probably more, I have even been called a chauvinist for laughing at these drama queens who call themselves "Feminists"! I think this writing makes sense :)
