Thursday 30 July 2015


Hello again , so let me go on with my mandatory greetings,  Hi to every beautiful form of life regardless of which dimension they are a part of for honestly and bravely scratching off a part of their extremely tight schedule for reading or at least taking a look at what I have got to offer for the citizens present in this resplendent universe, A very big Thank you and I appreciate the effort !

Alright , I know it has been a millennium since i've posted ,sorry about the delay,i think I've mentioned about that in my earlier posts ,i only write if i find something important and inspiring , not a news reporter to update on a regular basis and the other being royally mind fucked by my department in college for various productive activities that i've been asked to perform by them which i feel is revolting and hopeless. 

Okay moving on to important matters , This post is like an introduction, A second one perhaps for we have successfully survived half of 2015 ,seen and experienced what this year had in store for the first half and the next half is still a mystery and what we can expect to gain from this beautiful place filled with filth,gold and opportunities.

I'd like to use this blog to not only stress about the impact caused because of poor career choices but also the many social evils that are out here roaming as free as an american citizen.It is those that and their outcomes that lead to one another at the end of the day ruining one's career and life,Because at the end of the day we all play the blame game,just blame one for the other and it goes on, how many of us actually gave a fuck about the root cause of one particular issue?

Okay now question,some random citizen would want to ask me ,"what if everything is interconnected?", trust me every fucking thing already is and always will be.

Now another would pop up and say "now what is your point genius?"
My point here is that,There is no point.
it's simple because instead of swimming away from filth we embraced it and our only way out is to warn the forth coming generations to swim away so that they still have hope once all the dirt which exists now will be dead by then.

Or we could plan out a battle strategy against all the social evils,because now all that we need is a society,

A society strong enough,exposing tonnes of pillars of immense strength and a resolute motive to wipe out all the dirt that have been polluting countless lives of this country.
A society that practices the philosophy of 'an eye for an eye' is what we need now,but that shall remain a myth unless each and every person feels the same and needs change.

Change is just a word,a revolution is what we need.
And to people who blame terrorism as a reason for everything ,you have to think the other way around,terrorism is a a mere method to project a need or to make a statement but not a cause itself.

Considering the fact that terrorism is not a foreign term in this secular country,but the motive of terrorism in india easily puts it in a situation where it is being questioned for secularism.
Making a statement here,a major part of the social evil is destroyed once secularism is thoroughly established in this country.

Speaking of secularism , not only the religions are concerned in the above statement,this includes the caste system as well.

Alright that was some serious shit , but yes life is a joke,we make things serious by choice but not by fate,People talk about unity ,but unity isn't always productive,being chivalrous is , not only productive but also a gallant approach towards such a sophisticated and toxic issue will prove to be fruitful and not fatal is what this random indian engineer feels.To conclude this super exciting pulsating and extraordinary shit piece of writing i thank you all for wasting your time on this.

Thank you all so much again and I'll share my view on each of the issues that matter and have actually shook the social media in my forthcoming posts.
The last line, too modest? remove the words shit and wasting ,you'll know what i meant.