Saturday 7 February 2015

Hat In The Ring

Hello again to each and every extraordinary life form that has taken the effort, the pain to just look at this random person's post.A very big, thank you to all those souls who read my previous post regardless of whether you guys liked it or not here i am with my next, you must be wondering ,what difference is this guy gonna make by just addressing the ones he knows with such posts , what is he trying to prove?i don't think i'm gonna make any difference on a large scale basis but at least the ones reading this can think about what is actually going on around this beautiful world filled with filth in every sector and i'm not here to prove anything just wanna talk some sense into a few narrow minded eunuchs who think making each sector filthy is gonna earn them a name.But since i am not a part of every sector , i am gonna talk about the one of which i am a part of, the educational sector at college/university level.

Yes so everyone must be wondering what filth lies in that level, education such a noble profession, people be like such noble much wow but i go like such filth much stink !again you guys must be wondering what filth is this filth referring to ? finally i'm happy that you've realised that there is filth , okay it exists in many forms right from donations to staff and student affairs but the major thing here is even after you pay the donation you face inter campus politics until the course ends . Where you'd be nowhere associated with a problem  but you'll end up being a part of a scandal. Yes this is happening in many institutions ,where the failure of one student is blamed on a teacher and that person is immediately kicked out or the one responsible for the failure of a class is given promotion because that person drinks tea with the dean. This is happening not only in that level but even the deans and HOD's in leading government institutions extend their period at ease though it should've been terminated centuries ago because they have lunch with politicians and higher officials and it goes on.

Students who decide to go against this are few and are crushed by various means.But this can be stopped, now there must be this question in your mind, why should this be stopped?what is the point when the country itself is in the hands of corruption?well again that's what i'm coming to , i am not gonna say that tiny droplets form the ocean and all that shit.

If , and only if a large number of students who have a strong heart and do not fear anything but only the future of this country and the factory that supplies its future citizens A.K.A colleges happen to stand against this campus politics,Trust me better citizens who have the least knowledge about corruption will be a part of this country and since our country is killing it in terms of population, it means that within a short span of time our country will be filled with people who know less of corruption,so yes eventually this means a widespread ignorance of corruption and also the fall of many who are a stain on this country's clean flag.

Okay this is something ambitious, but deep somewhere inside you do know that out of all the things that have been done to kill corruption at large scale this could be one of the effective ways by just easily nullifying it in a small scale which would definitely be effective in future,it is a slow process but changes will be seen when the voter casts his vote for the right person and the other stains get washed away.

So this time it was just simple campus politics to corruption with a hint of patriotism ! well that sounds pretty decent for a second post,y'all feel me? If i'm not gonna conclude here then i won't be doing justice to your valuable time, so yes conclusion is honestly nothing just a simple "think" should do.
Once again Thank you for reading this random engineer's post.
 (P.S-If you guys are wondering what the title means, it means politics)

1 comment:

  1. Politics became a part of the curriculum.... Coming soon in syllabus! :D
