Sunday 22 February 2015

Forthcoming Failures

Hello again to every glorious life form on this planet who may or may not read what i'm 'bout to tell but still greeting is a must else they'll tell that i've got no manners, okay and a very big thank you again to the ratio of lives that actually spent those valuable seconds of their lives to actually read a blog but not do something productive and i honestly appreciate that from the lightest and brightest corner of my heart because the dark ones are for the rest who didn't.Okay cursing and praising apart,
What am i gonna talk about this time, first was some philosophy and advice second was about politics and now?okay keep thinking until you finish reading because if i'm gonna tell now you guys will terminate the session which is gonna happen either way if i'm gonna be talking like this for another line.Okay i'll stop.Okay?okay.
(Sorry i recently saw the fault in our stars)

Well now imagine if Manmohan Singh could actually talk,and Narendra Modi couldn't.
Jayalalitha was size zero and Kareena Kapoor was fat.
Just imagine how things would be 
Manmohan Singh actually fighting vocally with his controller and Modi unable to tell "Ab Ki Baar Modi Sarkar".
Jayalalitha doing it in fevicol se for Chief minister elections and Kareena searching for a hole that she could fit in to make her comeback in the movies.
They are who they are and they are what they are because they wanted to be and remain that way.
Though they might be in such a way because of an external force. But still it doesn't change who they are it just makes them change the way they are,so yes after all these students have been exported and imported to the corresponding factories by their parents whereas they've been told about their role in this world not only by their parents but also by his watchman,his friends cousins uncles brothers daughters husbands sisters nephew and goes on.Okay wait you must be wondering "What is his problem if all this is being pre decided?"
I honestly don't have a problem, but it is going to be a problem for the ones who have been assigned their roles for the next forty years in their first forty minutes of their existence on this beautiful planet.
Yes,once they're assigned they stick to it,but a few brave souls fight their way out on their rugged but beautiful path to happiness,whereas some are lucky enough to have no roles assigned to them and assign themselves a role, as shakespeare would say "Life is a stage and we're all the actors".How is it fair to decide someone's life where the one doesn't get any say in it?..
Question again ! 
"This is pretty much similar to the first post , what is your point here??"
No it isn't , because the undergrad they do is being decided before they enter this world , what they do after is decided as soon as they enter this world.As it is they face enough before they are exported and a part of their life and their ambition is killed for many,and it is completely destroyed and they are void of life's simplest pleasures by just throwing themselves at a job without a post grad course or they are being forced to get married.
When the parents are questioned they say two words- MONEY , RESPONSIBILITY.

While responsibility is just an add on to make money sound subtle.
Indian parents only want to mint money,because their neighbour Mr.Sharma drives an Audi and their family friend Mrs.Iyer rolls in a Mercedes whereas their family finds it impossible to roll even on their own.So a constant need and desperate state is there for money,which ultimately leads to a strain in the family.

Only ways to mint money according to Indians is either making their ward a part of the fantastic four and export or import them or get them married to a rich person and collect marriage fees in understandable terms, DOWRY.

Which is why many nuclear families are formed in the country.
And their constant hunger for money keeps growing day by day.The members of such families are the ones who were future ready when they were born,where it would be a miracle if the family actually sat together for a meal,or watched a movie together,and if a normal human being gets married to such a money minded person it all ends in the strain of their relationship ,which ultimately ends in either suicide or a divorce.

There are movies based on student suicide,farmers suiciding etc
but there is a massive death toll in this category too,nuclear families,where if one starts earning more than the other ego issues,if the neighbour earns more than the husband the wife craves for the neighbour and the husband has no other go but to kill himself,because of a simple reason,he lost his career because of his parents and lost a part of himself there and his other part is also lost whereas he finds no reason to actually live and he meets his end there.

Which ultimately leads to my point , even if you have your children do an undergrad of your wish, kindly allow them to do whatever they please at least after that,they do have a life of their own and they are sensible enough by then to choose a reasonable path that will give them happiness,even if they are in a job that won't get them a BMW but at least bicycle that makes them happy.
Not everybody wants to earn for the US and pay tax there.There are many patriotic citizens who wanna make our country a better place to live in.

This does sound like advice but just understand one thing each decision you make for your child without his/her consent is like stabbing him/her in the back.
And each time you stab they bleed to death and no one's happy when they are stabbed in the back and are slowly bled to death.In the end they don't know who to blame for their loss of happiness and they die.

So yes to all you narrow minded parents out there,anything you decide for your child,decide with their knowledge,even if you feel they don't know anything they have a gut which works way better than any of our brains which will guide the child through a path that they wanted and they will at least have the satisfaction of choosing what they wanted even if they are going to fail.

OKAY ! so this was something serious and i wanted to talk about it because this is another factor affecting our country like crazy and all this ,i know, ultimately leads to my first post career choices,but you all must've understood by now that the decision you make at that moment changes your life forever.
I'm not saying don't listen to your parents, it's simple just make choices,responsibly.

Really sorry that i wasn't able to post last week because my factory had me working overtime for a payment called internals which is free if you were in a few of those amazing institutions who give it if you could just come to the factory, by factory i meant the college.

To conclude this time i don't have any excerpt or saying but just this There are many forthcoming failures in this planet,which category are you going to be a part of,Happy or Sad? 

Once again i thank everyone for reading this Random engineers post.cheers!   
(p.s. I puked after tfios.)

Saturday 7 February 2015

Hat In The Ring

Hello again to each and every extraordinary life form that has taken the effort, the pain to just look at this random person's post.A very big, thank you to all those souls who read my previous post regardless of whether you guys liked it or not here i am with my next, you must be wondering ,what difference is this guy gonna make by just addressing the ones he knows with such posts , what is he trying to prove?i don't think i'm gonna make any difference on a large scale basis but at least the ones reading this can think about what is actually going on around this beautiful world filled with filth in every sector and i'm not here to prove anything just wanna talk some sense into a few narrow minded eunuchs who think making each sector filthy is gonna earn them a name.But since i am not a part of every sector , i am gonna talk about the one of which i am a part of, the educational sector at college/university level.

Yes so everyone must be wondering what filth lies in that level, education such a noble profession, people be like such noble much wow but i go like such filth much stink !again you guys must be wondering what filth is this filth referring to ? finally i'm happy that you've realised that there is filth , okay it exists in many forms right from donations to staff and student affairs but the major thing here is even after you pay the donation you face inter campus politics until the course ends . Where you'd be nowhere associated with a problem  but you'll end up being a part of a scandal. Yes this is happening in many institutions ,where the failure of one student is blamed on a teacher and that person is immediately kicked out or the one responsible for the failure of a class is given promotion because that person drinks tea with the dean. This is happening not only in that level but even the deans and HOD's in leading government institutions extend their period at ease though it should've been terminated centuries ago because they have lunch with politicians and higher officials and it goes on.

Students who decide to go against this are few and are crushed by various means.But this can be stopped, now there must be this question in your mind, why should this be stopped?what is the point when the country itself is in the hands of corruption?well again that's what i'm coming to , i am not gonna say that tiny droplets form the ocean and all that shit.

If , and only if a large number of students who have a strong heart and do not fear anything but only the future of this country and the factory that supplies its future citizens A.K.A colleges happen to stand against this campus politics,Trust me better citizens who have the least knowledge about corruption will be a part of this country and since our country is killing it in terms of population, it means that within a short span of time our country will be filled with people who know less of corruption,so yes eventually this means a widespread ignorance of corruption and also the fall of many who are a stain on this country's clean flag.

Okay this is something ambitious, but deep somewhere inside you do know that out of all the things that have been done to kill corruption at large scale this could be one of the effective ways by just easily nullifying it in a small scale which would definitely be effective in future,it is a slow process but changes will be seen when the voter casts his vote for the right person and the other stains get washed away.

So this time it was just simple campus politics to corruption with a hint of patriotism ! well that sounds pretty decent for a second post,y'all feel me? If i'm not gonna conclude here then i won't be doing justice to your valuable time, so yes conclusion is honestly nothing just a simple "think" should do.
Once again Thank you for reading this random engineer's post.
 (P.S-If you guys are wondering what the title means, it means politics)

Sunday 1 February 2015


Well a very big hello to every soul out there on earth and beyond it for actually carving out a thin slice of their busy schedule for reading what I actually have got to offer, i honestly appreciate that and thank you. Well this is not just another blog that you come across in day to day life though i will be discussing about an issue that is being faced by every student in this country which happens to be like newtons fourth law and might also be part of the indian constitution in the near future,it is also a law being enforced by parents and not cops, and it is difficult to see an indian who is not following this law.Okay so you must all be curious about what the fuck i'm talking about. 

It's simple, career choices,Indians know only 4 qualifications like the fantastic 4. First is Engineering , second is Medicine, third is Chartered accountancy and the fourth is a government job. But they actually happen to be these huge insanely dark pits in which these poor souls are being tossed into and are tormented until the course ends , where they are being stripped off their talent,and their actual point of view of the world darkens.All they see is competition and not people. Hatred and not friendship. Rivalry and not brotherhood.They are trained that way by the respective pits they fall into A.K.A Colleges,institutes etc..

Okay so now you must all be mocking me because this is like just another post that you must have seen as this is one of the most debated topics for centuries now.But what makes this different is that everyone else has been addressing the parents and criticising them,as though its their fault,but to be honest all they wish for is the betterment of their children. Nothing more. They just don't have the exposure like their children do. If the corresponding child has talent he/she needs to showcase it in some means and explain to their parents how good they are in that field.Make sure that they understand that you can kill it there.Now there is a question in your mind asking what if they still don't get it and they are narrow minded?To be honest i'm still looking for the answer to that question, okay coming back to it , again i do not blame the students for not standing up for who they are, what if the particular person was an introvert,what if he was facing something beyond his age?
In such situations we start blaming system of education and the government for not providing us with sufficient opportunities,okay question again even if the government did and the education system was modified what would change? , well thats precisely my point ! everything that we want is in our heart and always follow it, strive for what you want and never stop until you reach it else , you will be just another member of the fantastic 4, but you'll never be the only one.I know i started with an issue and ended with philosophy as i said this blog wont be like any other blog because this is my style of expressing my views and i don't like taking the beaten track where i start with the same and end with the same,life is full of amazing and beautiful things why stick to the same thing we started with, as darwin said we are born small and we die huge , see again small-huge , Academics and your inner soul ! 
so y'all get my drift?
(P.S. Darwin didn't say that it was me). 
Oh and by the way where are my manners I am Rahul Sudharshan, just another Indian Engineering student studying in one of the holy grails of engineering, and of course by force. I started this to basically let the forthcoming generations know what they are about to face and also share many real life incidents to which many can relate to and choose what is best in life and to never make a  mistake like i did and many others did that is to be a part of the fantastic 4,and I am new to this shit, though I can literally talk for days together i've never tried putting it all into words and yes this feels as good as speaking!so yes i do require your support ! 
Well as Ernest Hemingway would say ,
A man's gotta take a lot of punishment to write a really funny book.
Thats all for now ! Thank you so much !